We are excited to announce that Valkyrie took the title of Coronado Canine Mayor with the most votes. All of the 15 pups acted as ambassadors, advocating for animal welfare raising funds for animals in need.  The staff, volunteers, and our Board of Directors thank you for your participation.

Nominations were accepted May 2 – 24th. Canines entered must reside in Coronado or have been adopted from PAWS (Pacific Animal Welfare Society).  This event raises funds to help care for animals at PAWS including medical costs.  This fundraiser started in 2010 and this year we names our eighth Paw-litician! The Canine who gets the most votes during the voting period becomes the next Canine Mayor of Coronado to serve a two-year term.  The Coronado Canine Mayor is a ceremonial position with the winner asked to ride/walk in the Coronado 4th of July Parade and give out a few “shakes” at other appropriate events.   The next Canine Mayoral Election will be in 2026 with nominations opening in early May(2026).  


Meet Huey: From Stray to Spoiled

Adopt Don’t Shop

The resilient pup who found his forever home through Pupstarz Rescue over 7 years ago. Huey’s journey began as a starving stray on the streets of Tennessee, but fate had bigger plans for him. With the loving care of his adoptive family, he quickly transitioned from a life of hardship to one of comfort and joy.

Despite his rough start, Huey’s spirit never faltered. His infectious enthusiasm and unwavering loyalty have made him an integral part of his family’s life in Coronado. Whether he’s lounging in the sun, going for leisurely walks, or simply cuddling up on the couch, Huey embraces every moment with boundless love and gratitude.

As an advocate for adoption, Huey’s story serves as a reminder of the countless animals waiting for their second chance. By choosing to adopt, we not only give these animals a loving home but also enrich our own lives in ways we never thought possible. So remember, when it comes to welcoming a furry friend into your home, adopt don’t shop. And who knows? You might just find your very own Huey waiting to fill your heart with joy.

Meet Ajax: The Serendipitous Soulmate

Ajax Wants You To Unleash Your Potential!

Ajax’s people were enjoying a day in Coronado when they stumbled upon an unexpected surprise. As they were munching on our delicious sandwiches from Boney’s Market, a stranger approached them and offered them free puppies from the back of his van. Now, I know what you’re thinking – stranger danger, right? But they threw caution to the wind and followed the man to his van. And that’s when they met Ajax – a giant goofball with a heart of gold! They fell in love with him, and the rest is history!

Meet Buddy: The Beach-Loving Sweetheart

Tippecanoe & Buddy Too

Buddy first made an appearance in his dog mom’s life when she saw his picture published in the Coronado Eagle & Journal in October 2022. His charming personality and sweet demeanor were what stood out as Buddy’s best traits. Since being adopted, Buddy has proven to be a loving pup who can’t get enough days at the dog beach, face kisses, and extra squeaky toys.

Meet Carl: Master of Naps

Less Yapping, More Napping

Carl, the reigning champion of relaxation, might just be the perfect candidate for Canine Mayor. With his motto of “less yapping, more napping,” Carl embodies the art of taking it easy. Whether he’s snoozing in the sun or lounging on the couch, Carl knows how to make the most of every moment.

In a world where politics can be stressful and chaotic, Carl brings a calming presence and a reminder of the importance of rest and relaxation. As Canine Mayor, he would prioritize the well-being of all citizens, both human and furry, promoting a sense of tranquility and harmony throughout the community.

Plus, Carl’s ability to nap through any crisis ensures that he’s always well-rested and ready to tackle the day’s challenges with a refreshed perspective.  After all, in a world full of hustle and bustle, sometimes a little snooze is just what we need to keep things running smoothly.

Meet Gemma: Discover the Sparkle

The Gem of Coronado

Gemma’s journey began on the side of a road, where she was found with a broken leg and a heart full of hope. Thanks to the compassionate team at PAWS of Coronado, Gemma received the care she needed to heal, surrounded by fosters who showered her with love and patience.

It was during her time at PAWS that Gemma caught the eye of a new volunteer—a match made in heaven from the very first walk. Their connection was instant, and Gemma found her forever home with someone who saw her for the gem she truly is.

Now, Gemma shines brightly as the beloved companion of a dedicated PAWS volunteer, spreading joy and love wherever she goes. She’s a reminder of the resilience of shelter pets and the power of second chances.

So, as you stroll the streets of Coronado, keep an eye out for Gemma—the jewel of our community, lighting up the lives of all who are lucky enough to know her.

MEET OLY: The Coronado Charmer

I Won’t Roll Over For Anyone!

In the picturesque streets of Coronado, there’s a furry resident who stands out from the crowd – Oly, the walking cartoon character of the neighborhood. Adopted from a local foster family, Oly’s quirky charm and unique appearance capture the hearts of everyone she meets.

But don’t let her playful appearance fool you – Oly is no pushover. Her slogan, “I Won’t Roll Over For Anyone!” reflects her spirited nature and unwavering determination. Despite her cartoonish demeanor, Oly is a dog with a personality as vibrant and resilient as the city she calls home.

MEET Penny: The Lucky Charm

This Is the Luckiest Penny

In 2022, their paths crossed with Penny’s at PAWS, where she was under the loving care of a foster family. It was love at first sight when her now called “family” met Penny—her goofy personality and those big, floppy ears stole their hearts instantly.

Penny’s days are filled with joy and adventure, from playing soccer with her parents to embarking on lizard-hunting expeditions (although she’s more of a chaser than a catcher). She cherishes her visits with her best friend Juno the Cat and savors long walks on the beach, the salty breeze ruffling her fur.

Penny is more than just a pet—she’s a symbol of luck and love, bringing endless happiness into her owners lives. So, as you cross paths with Penny, remember that sometimes, the luckiest penny is the one that finds its way into your heart.

MEET RICK: Tail-Wags and Trails

Wiggles and Giggles Guaranteed

Rick was rescued from the streets of Washington DC in 2015, has been inseparable from his human companion since their first meeting. Together, they’ve embarked on countless adventures, traveling the country and exploring new trails. With each wag of his tail, Rick embodies the spirit of adventure and companionship, eagerly anticipating the trails that lie ahead.

Meet Ruby: A Heartwarming Tale

You Can’t Buy Love, but You Can Rescue It!

Their quest for a furry companion reached its peak when her family stumbled upon Ruby’s online profile. Instantly, they knew she was the missing piece to their family puzzle.

After spending a considerable amount of time at PAWS of Coronado, patiently awaiting her perfect family, Ruby’s journey to her new family was nothing short of fate. Just one day after a birthday, they welcomed Ruby into our lives, igniting a flame of love and devotion that has never dimmed. Her presence has transformed their home into a sanctuary of happiness and affection.

Recognizing Ruby’s indomitable spirit and unwavering resilience, they made the conscious choice to relocate from our apartment to a house with a yard—a space where Ruby could roam freely, reveling in the simple pleasures of life.

In her element, Ruby spends her days exploring the yard, leashless and carefree, her joy contagious as she watches the birds flutter by. Her gentle nature and unwavering loyalty has earned her a special place in the hearts of all who know her.

Ruby’s infectious spirit to envelop you, reminding you of the power of love and the transformative impact of rescue. Join Ruby on her journey as she continues to spread love, joy, and compassion to all who cross her path. After all, while you can’t buy love, you can certainly rescue it—and Ruby is the living embodiment of that timeless truth.

MEET TOBY TOBERSON: Leading with Love

Pawsitively Leading the Pack For A Better Community!

Toby, a cherished Mini Australian Shepherd, became a treasured member of his family when his owner surprised his wife with him on their anniversary. Alongside his playful siblings, Coco and Johnny Beans, Toby has filled their home with boundless joy, chasing lizards and embarking on adventures along Coronado’s trails since their relocation in 2018.

As their loyal companion, Toby has seamlessly transitioned into his golden years, savoring leisurely strolls, indulging in mulberries, and cherishing playful moments with his beloved toys. Despite his age, Toby continues to lead his family on island escapades with his unwavering spirit and love for life.

Toby’s leadership extends beyond his family, as he pawsitively influences the community for the better. Through his gentle nature and endless affection, Toby exemplifies the transformative power of companionship and reminds us of the importance of cherishing every moment with our furry friends.

MEET VALKYRIE: A Story of Resilience

My Eye Is On A Bright Future, Thanks To PAWS 

From first sight as seeing her was like encountering a living legend, a dog with a story so grand it seemed straight out of a movie. Named after a historic event, her tale unfolded before them like a thrilling adventure.

Just like Tom Cruise’s character, she faced her own set of challenges, including the removal of an eye. Yet, through it all, PAWS of Coronado was her faithful companion, offering comfort and care in times of need.

Now, as you hear her story, be filled with a sense of wonder and admiration. Her desire to give back to Coronado is a testament to the resilience and spirit of dogs everywhere. Her journey reminds us that even in the face of adversity, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Meet Toby, the 16-Year-old Pup With a Heart as Vast as His Toothless Grin!

All Heart, No Teeth

Once a shelter pup himself, Toby now serves as a foster brother to animals in need, totaling over 160 furry friends so far! Toby is also a dedicated philanthropist, rallying support for various animal welfare causes. But his ambitions don’t end there; this summer, he’ll debut as a Chihuahua racing contender. And for his next trick? He’s licking his chops with that cute tongue for a chance to dabble in paw-litics.

Meet Ella, Her Journey: From Stray to Beloved Resident

Ella-Vate Coronado!

After living without a home in Tijuana and shortly after giving birth to a litter of puppies, Ella (full name Eleanor) was rescued by her now mommies. Ella’s life was transformed through her rescue, which happened just one week prior to the COVID shutdown. Ella has been a blessing and is loved by all she meets.

Meet Beignet: The Charismatic Canine

In My Pawlitician Era

Beignet, a rescue from Mexico, joined her family almost three years ago, bringing with her an abundance of charm and joy. Her favorite pastime? Greeting people with her wagging tail and making new furry friends to play chase with at the dog beach.

Fun-loving, loyal, and always ready for an adventure, Beignet embodies the spirit of companionship. Her gentle nature and boundless enthusiasm brighten even the gloomiest of days. Whether she’s cuddled up on the couch or frolicking in the waves, Beignet’s presence fills her home with love and laughter.

In her Pawlitician Era, Beignet advocates for kindness, joy, and the importance of rescue. She reminds us that every animal deserves a chance at happiness and that the love of a rescue pet knows no bounds. So, join Beignet in spreading love and compassion, one paw at a time.

MEET JETT: From Abandonment to Hope

Jett over to PAWS and Adopt or Foster!

His tale began with a harrowing moment of abandonment, as he was unceremoniously pushed from a car and left to fend for himself.  Despite the uncertainty of his past, he greets each day with a wagging tail and an unwavering hope for the future.

Jett has become a symbol of strength, his spirit unbroken despite the challenges he’s faced. Each day, he greets the world with a wagging tail and an unwavering optimism for the future.As Jett awaits his forever home, he extends a heartfelt invitation to all who will listen: “Jett on over to adopt me!” It’s a slogan that resonates with hope and possibility, inviting all to join him on his journey towards a brighter tomorrow. So, if you’re ready to open your heart to a loyal companion, why not make Jett a part of your family today?